Jul 6, 2012

Reaching the World

Okay, before anything else, let me explain to you why I'm wearing this. As a fourth year Tourism Student, we are all required to organize an event per section, and the assigned topic to our section was "Career Orientation". Entitled: "iCan Reach the World through Tourism". And yes, we were Flight Attendants for a day! And look at my nail art, isn't it cute? I've been getting compliments, all thanks to Nail It! 

Don't you just love my nail art? Done at Nail It! Alvero Branch. FYI it's hand-drawn! Standing ovation + Round of applause to the Ate who made this. (Sorry, I forgot her name. :/)
Oooh, the design is a paper airplane. It's the best nail art I can think of to match our event. :]
Follow Nail It on Twitter (HERE) and Like them on Facebook (HERE) for more updates and infos. 


My gorgeous girls. Love them to bits. 